Tribute Dress & Poster for Bob Dylan’s Nobel in Literature 2016

Mr. Dylan did not attend the Nobel Ceremony, but later in the Spring of 2017 received his medal, along with a poster and t-shirt designed by MuKha.

Article published in Swedish ELLE “Tre klanningar som stuck ut under arets nobelfest  / “Three dresses that stuck out in the Nobel Banquet”

The Blue Hours EP, 2015

Music by Theresa Calpotura, Sun Prints by MuKha

Commissioned by the songwriter to create an image for each song on The Blue Hours debut EP, MuKha explored the cyanotype process to produce the artwork for the album back & front covers and insert. Listen to the songs “Kubing”; “Run”; “Blue Eyes”; and “Ungifted” that match the images by clicking on the link above.

The Muse (Musa) Project, 2001-2002

A yearlong collaborative exploration with composer Mike McGinnis, the Muse Project involved more than 40 artists, dancers, musicians or writers whose primary aim was to uncover the essence of “the muse experience.” The monthly improvisational performances, presented at venues in Manhattan and Brooklyn, led to the creation of a series of new abstract paintings and a dance drama in three movements titled “Essence and the Muse.”

Poster for Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan poster designed by MuKha